Public schools were created to provide safe learning environments to evaluate issues that could impact a student’s welfare or impede their success. As we look to reopen schools this fall, school districts must rethink the role of the school resource officers and school security personnel. Join National Association of School Resource Officers Executive Director Mo Canady, Oklahoma State School Boards Association Staff Attorney Brandon Carney, NSBA National Council of Black School Board Members Chair Devin Del Palacio, D.A.R.E. America Director of Curriculum and Training Ashley Frazier, and National Association of School Psychologists Director for Policy and Advocacy Kelly Vaillancourt Strobach for a discussion on critical issues related to school resource officers.
This webinar is part of NSBA’s Reopening & Recover series and was originally broadcasted live on July 8.
Resources: Protecting Students From Exploitation: A Legal Guide for Public School Leaders -- NSBA
Lifting the Lamp Beside the Schoolhouse Door – NSBA
Transgender Students in School – NSBA
Adverse Childhood Experiences: The School Board’s Role in Building Connections and Support for Students – NSBA